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Spies In Disguise: An Enjoyable Surprise

     If I told you a movie was coming out with Will Smith and Tom Holland you would be excited, right? What if I told you it was a spy adventure...? Now you're really excited! But wait, it's animated and for kids. Okay, not so exciting. This was my thought when I first saw the trailer thumbnail for Spies In Disguise. Then I watched it, and it looked surprisingly good. The movie itself is an 1 hour and 41 minutes. It won't blow your socks off, but it will give you a few laughs and won't bore you to death. A lot of the humor is for kids, but I found an adequate amount of humor for adults as well. The voice cast is great. Tom Holland, Will Smith, Ben Mendelsohn, Rashida Jones, Karen Gillan, and more. The overall idea of the movie is a fun concept, and depending on box offices numbers, sequels are likely. Go into this movie with low expectations and you'll be pleasantly surprised. Rating: 7/10 One-word: Amusing Parents: Very mild, one scene with a butt.

Spoiler-Free Review of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

SPOILER-FREE Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has been extremely anticipated. The trilogy and even SAGA have come to a close. This movie had a lot riding on it and J.J. was tasked with a daunting challenge, but he delivered in an incredible way. The movie is a little under two and a half hours, which worked, but I would've loved more. The films first task is finding its footing and it does that rather quickly. Once that happens, the adventure begins and doesn't stop. If you love battles, spaceships, lightsabers, surprises, and action...then you will be thrilled with this movie. J.J., ILM, and the rest of the team have made an incredibly beautiful movie with daring shots. In his likely last outing as composer for Star Wars, John Williams, delivers a lovely score with Rey's theme sticking out. The acting is completely on point, with Daisy Ridley, Oscar Issac, and Adam Driver being particularly great! As you can see, I love Star Wars. These characters have worked for

Frozen 2: Mixed Feelings, Mostly Positive

The Frozen franchise is for duh, right? And it's a good thing because the movie is fairly confusing if you really think about it. The whole plot rests on one thing being true, that Olaf thinks of. The ending has some aspects that don't lead to much location continuity. So, the movie won't blow you away, but, like I said, this movie is for kids and they'll love it. Olaf has his funny scenes and lines. For adults, a couple scenes will make you chuckle too. Overall, the original is better, but this movie is a fun time at the movies. Rating: 7/10 One-word: Amusing Parents: It's Disney

Ford v Ferrari Accelerates to a 9/10 Rating

Ford v Ferrari, directed by James Mangold, is a thrilling film about the famous Le Mans 66'. The film stars Matt Damon and Christian Bale. The film itself isn't only about Ford trying to outdo Ferrari, that does take some of the story, but most of the film centers around Bale and Damon and their individual obstacles. Bale and Damon should and will both be up for Oscar contention, but the rest of the cast came to play as well. Mangold's story telling is fascinating to watch and he rewards you as a viewer by giving you hints to what will come next, while still offering moments of surprise. The races themselves are thrilling to watch, but if you aren't a car enthusiast, then there is still plenty to grab onto. Not only was this movie a blast, but it is in my top 3 movies of the year. The action, humor, and reality of the story all lend to a fantastic film! Rating: 9/10 One-word: Gripping Parents: Mild cussing, No nudity or violence.

Gemini Man: A Fun Concept (Okay Execution)

Gemini Man is about a world class assassin who confronts "himself"! The story is intriguing and the overall movie is fun, but it has its flaws. First, the CGI isn't perfect, however, for much of the movie it is very good! The script has been called "weak", and while there are lulls, the overall story was enjoyable. Ang Lee did a great job at casting this movie, Will Smith kills it (playing 2 roles would be difficult, but he makes it look effortless). The rest of the cast is also very good. All in all, this movie is a "popcorn" flick! Sit back, relax, and have fun! Overall: 6/10 One word: Entertaining Parents: Some violence, swearing (1 F Word), and 1 underwear scene (short).

Ad Astra Takes Us "To The Stars"

Ad Astra is about a son trying to reach his father in an effort to save humanity. Trailers would lead you to believe it is an action-packed movie, but it's not, in a good way! This movie won't be for everyone. If you liked Gravity or The Martian, you'll probably like this. Directed by James Gray, Ad Astra is his first big budget film. Gray's films are typically slow and methodical, often called "artsy". This is also a slow-burn, but with several action set pieces that are incredible! Ad Astra stars Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee Jones, Liv Tyler, Ruth Negga, and Donald Sutherland. A fantastic cast, with Pitt getting far and above the most screen time. In fact, Pitt is in just about every shot. Pitt's performance is amazing and should warrant Oscar buzz. The other performances are also great, but not very long. Overall this movie is, like I said, a slow-burn, but not boring. It's shot with incredible care and many of the shots are amazing to look at