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Gemini Man: A Fun Concept (Okay Execution)

Gemini Man is about a world class assassin who confronts "himself"! The story is intriguing and the overall movie is fun, but it has its flaws. First, the CGI isn't perfect, however, for much of the movie it is very good! The script has been called "weak", and while there are lulls, the overall story was enjoyable. Ang Lee did a great job at casting this movie, Will Smith kills it (playing 2 roles would be difficult, but he makes it look effortless). The rest of the cast is also very good. All in all, this movie is a "popcorn" flick! Sit back, relax, and have fun!

Overall: 6/10
One word: Entertaining
Parents: Some violence, swearing (1 F Word), and 1 underwear scene (short).
