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Spies In Disguise: An Enjoyable Surprise

     If I told you a movie was coming out with Will Smith and Tom Holland you would be excited, right? What if I told you it was a spy adventure...? Now you're really excited! But wait, it's animated and for kids. Okay, not so exciting. This was my thought when I first saw the trailer thumbnail for Spies In Disguise. Then I watched it, and it looked surprisingly good. The movie itself is an 1 hour and 41 minutes. It won't blow your socks off, but it will give you a few laughs and won't bore you to death. A lot of the humor is for kids, but I found an adequate amount of humor for adults as well. The voice cast is great. Tom Holland, Will Smith, Ben Mendelsohn, Rashida Jones, Karen Gillan, and more. The overall idea of the movie is a fun concept, and depending on box offices numbers, sequels are likely. Go into this movie with low expectations and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Rating: 7/10

One-word: Amusing

Parents: Very mild, one scene with a butt.
